October saw the start of another judo beginners’ course, which runs annually every Michaelmas term. After a great promotional effort from our existing members at Freshers’ Fair and Sports Fair, we had lots of new signs ups and welcomed over 70 complete newbies on to the tatamis for their first session. Over the course of the term, our new judoka have learned the fundamentals of how to breakfall safely, and we’ve practised lots of fun gymnastics like forward and backwards rolls, cartwheels and even handstands! Everyone has learned some basic techniques including throws, hold downs, and transitions between the two. They have all begun to exchange in randori, which translates as “free practice” and is a chance for players to try out some of their newly-acquired techniques in a more competitive way. Everyone has worked really hard and shown excellent progress – this culminated many of our new beginners completing their first grading at the end of term. After demonstrating to our coaches all the techniques they have learned over the course, 26 players were graded to red belt – well done all!

Now our not-so new beginners can turn their attention to our inaugural ‘Red-belt Rumble’ in February, which will be a chance for all red and yellow belts to have a go at competing against each other for the chance to win a team trophy. Keep an eye out in our next newsletter for more on how this went!
Sarah Spencer, CUJC Secretary 2022/23